Well...maybe 150 years.
Now which way do I want to go?
We have a lot of nothing in West Texas.
I'm not sure which Idiot Texas President they are referring to.
And where are those indicators?
The back door is in the front?

We have a lot of these warning signs and yet trucks
still get stuck in bridges.
Fill up everything.
I pass this sign quite often on I10 and I haven't heard her yet.
As opposed to not so sudden gunfire on the highway?
We accommodate all drivers.
I thought my hometown was God's country!
Nothing in common with the real Paris.
Just in case a Harley driver reads road signs.
Surprise!...another speeding 18 wheeler has jackknifed in front of you.
How deep?
That's sure a lot of prisons.
I don't think you can get there from here.
What? I thought shooting road signs was every Texas teenagers right of passage.
Just don't go 75 or you will instigate road rage.
Lots of deer in Texas.
Obviously lots of heavy drinkers in Texas also.
Einee Meeny Miney Moe...which way do I want to go?
For the horseback riders I suppose
They are bigger than your SUV
Feeling like a short drive or a long one?
Tumbleweed hitchhikers.
You better behave on Texas roads.
These are too funny! I can't believe some of these are real signs! They can't all be real can they? I am glad you haven't heard the lady hollering near that creek! That would be scary.
Thanks for sharing these! I thought people in my state drove fast- but it sounds like they drive way faster in Texas!
Jess...here in Texas it's pretty much drive at your own risk. I'm sure most all of these signs are somewhere, I've seen some mighty peculiar signs as long as I have been driving Texas roads. There are a number of legends as to how that local creek got it's name but I don't think anyone knows for certain. They are all rather creepy.
We have a Paris, Tennessee, too...so I can relate. Hank Williams Jr. lives there, if that says anything!
Stephanie...we had some dear friends and neighnors in college who were from Paris Texas. He ended up being the head football coach at A & M and Alabama and good folks do come from small towns too. :)
I love all these signs, Anna, and I'm glad to know that there are wacky drivers there as well as where I live.
Glad you liked them Jill. I'm not sure who are wackier...the drivers or the sign makers. :)
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