My grandson's parents buy them most any brand of designer jeans and shirts and accessories they want but they don't really like them that much until they are worn, faded, and have a few rips and tears. When they find a pair of sneakers they love, they will wear them until they are shredding off their feet and leave newer ones gathering dust in the closet. "Worn out" seems to be when what they wear become "favorites." They become really special if I have to add a ziz zag patch, they even invite their friends to bring their worn jeans over so I can sew them a "badge of honor" over almost impossible rips to repair that show too much skin in the wrong places. I patch "accident" holes on my old Singer sewing machine....whatever floats their young boats.
Both boys have friends who have turned them on to "thrift" store clothes shopping and occasionally they come home with something that makes their Dad grind his teeth and roll his the neon chartreuse short bathing suit one walked in with ...or the tangerine pull up walking shorts the other brought home and wears quite often claiming they are comfortable. I discovered in the wash they are likely ladies shorts but I don't want to burst his manly bubble so I haven't told him. You wouldn't know it unless you read the label and a lot of clothes these days are unisex. Fine with me.
Seems they couldn't please their Dad with their thrifty bargains until one of them came home wearing a cartoon colorful shirt he proudly proclaimed cost only 50 cents. Dad seems to think one of them finally made a wise purchase. There is a nice label in it that says it
was hand-made by a shirt company in Austin Texas so I think that makes it worth at least a dollar because the
previous owner evidently never wore it. It
looks brand new and is well sewn
made of my favorite cotton...I'm thinking it may
be one of those you only "wear
once to shock" shirts...we will see.
Oh well, it's a fun and colorful boat to be in in your teens and I think learning to be "thrifty" at a young age is a good thing. It comes in handy in your old age when the stock market keeps messing with your portfolio.
Another mans trash can become someone else's treasure. I think we should all recycle and keep the earth green...and purple and red and yellow and orange!