
About Me

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Texas, United States


Wondrous Sky's Over The Texas Hill Country

I live at the edge of the beautiful Texas Hill Country "they" say once used to be an ocean. I have to believe it was  because I have found rocks out there with little fish fossils and petrified shells embedded in them. In the early spring when the cold fronts from the North keep clashing with the warm Gulf fronts from the South it produces spectacular colors in the sky from our deck. They only last briefly when the sun is in just the right position and I sometimes run to get my camera so I can keep the fantastic view to enjoy later. Below are the reasons why I keep pointing the lens  to the hills...sometimes in early morning...sometimes in late evening.

This sky I took on a very windy day when the clouds in a brilliant sunny blue sky were whipped into looking like little popcorn clouds. I still like to look for images in the clouds and I found a number of whimsical "faces" in this shot when I set it as my desktop image. That is where I keep the memorys of the beauty of my own personal ever changing colorful sky. Never are two exactly alike and I love that unique aspect. 


Jill Paterson said...

Great photographs, Anna, of an ever changing sky. I think we should take more minutes out of our day to look at the clouds because they can be so spectacular. And you're right, there are faces there!

DMS said...

I love the pictures! The sky is such a beautiful, ever changing sight. The colors are so enchanting. It looks like you have a lovely view. I also love the windy day pictures! Thanks for sharing. :)

Anna Maria said...

Thanks Jill! Yes...the sky can be magical if you let it be.:)

Anna Maria said...

Thanks Jess! The sky is masterpiece beautiful, and fascinating to contemplate constantly changing colors of rainbows and fires.


You are very smart to look up. So often we get too busy to stop and observe the beauty surrounding us. Your photos are absolutely stunning.

Anna Maria said...

Thanks Grace. I do love looking at the marvelous sky and wondering.

Jon said...

Those skies are truly wondrous Anna. Can I move into your place in Texas? I promise not to be any trouble.

Anna Maria said...

Sure...come on down Jon...we always have an extra lounge chair on the deck and a "special" fridge stocked with everyone's favorite beer...and our big sky's are amazing to ponder.